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Discovering Potential

Each of the 8 years I’ve been at Bupa, I’ve seen change happening. I’ve been at the inception of and part of the leadership team for the Neurodiversity Community within Bupa. I’m now the Neurodiversity Community Champion, part of Bupa’s wider ‘Be You Network.’ 

In all of my working years, this is the first place I’ve felt able to be myself. It’s where I found out who I am, receiving my diagnoses of autism and ADHD and being accommodated. Being neurodivergent brings its challenges, but also its own skills and talents. Bupa sees these and supports the former, nurturing the latter. 

  • It’s not who you’ve been in the past 

  • It’s not what you’ve done in the past 

  • It’s about what you can be now, and in the future 

  • It’s about being yourself and being allowed to thrive 

  • It’s about encouragement, recognition, inclusion, accessibility and acceptance 

  • It’s about being able to Be You at Bupa